You have a B2B business, therefore each page on your website is B2B content that will be read by your visitors.
That is why it is imperative to apply all of the rules for content creation to every page on your website.
What are these rules? Some of them are listed in my previous posts. However, here are some more factors that every web page needs, in order to keep your visitors engaged.
Your visitors come to your website in order to learn what you do, and if you can help them reach their goals and solve the problems they have in reaching their goals.
So tell them how you can help them. Ensure your website has the following pages for them.
1. A Home page that gives them some idea about what you do, and directs them to the right pages for their queries.
2. A Products and/or Services page which describes your products and services. But more importantly, shows them WIIFM; what is in it for them. In other words, what benefits do your products and services deliver to your visitors!
3. An About page which describes your company, what it does, perhaps its history. Also, your About page needs to give a description of each of the senior members of your company. Describe their position, give some personal details, and ensure that their email address is also at the end of their description. Your company is run by people. It is not a non-descript “organization”. Let your visitors know who they are!
4. A Contact page where they can find you and even write you a letter if they want. Google also likes a small map of the area your company resides in.
5. A Case Study/Testimonial page where you describe what your clients have said about your company and why they bought from you.
6. A Blog where you can put all of your daily or weekly articles showing what your company knows and how it can help your visitors.
7. Another good page to have is an FAQ page. Here you can put all of your frequently asked questions in one spot. Google likes this type of page also.
Obviously your business is unique, and it may require other pages that fit your business and marketplace. But, ensure you have at least all of the pages mentioned in this post, so that your visitors can find out everything they need to know about your business, and how you can help them.
Kind regards,
Ian Dainty
Author of the Forthcoming Book – B2B Marketing – The New Paradigm
Ian Dainty’s Email