major mistakes b2b companies makeI see it happening all the time. B2B companies stop talking to their clients, once they become clients.

There are four mistakes, that most B2B companies make, that keep them from driving more revenue from their current clients.

And of course, as everyone knows, including these B2B companies, the easiest way to get more revenue is from your existing clients.

So what are these four mistakes that B2B companies make?
Most B2B companies;
1. Ignore their current clients,
2. Don’t tell them what a great job they’re doing for them. They don’t show them the Value they are getting.
3. Don’t help them do their job better,
4. Don’t keep them informed of other offerings.

Let’s look more deeply at each mistake.

1. They ignore their clients.

Many B2B companies, once they get a client, only send them an invoice once a month, and do not contact their clients again. And they wonder why the client leaves them for someone else. You must be constantly communicating with your clients, at all levels.

2. They don’t tell their clients what a great job they are doing for them.

You have to keep in contact with your clients at all times. You need to ask your clients two important questions.
i. Why did you buy from us?
ii. Are you getting the results you wanted?

Once you ask those questions, keep reminding them of the great job you are doing, by showing them the results they are still getting.

3. They don’t help their clients do their job better.

You need to keep telling your clients what your other clients are doing with your products and services, and how these clients can also do the same things, to increase their results, with your products and services.

4. They don’t keep their clients informed of other offerings

You need to keep your clients informed about other offerings you may have, so that they don’t end up going to your competitors, for basically the same product and/or service. I am completely baffled by how often this happens. Most times, your clients won’t ask you about your other offerings. You need to keep them informed.

And these offerings don’t have to be your own offerings. They can be offerings by a partner that complements your products and services.

In essence, you don’t show them the Value they are getting by doing business with you.

Communicate More

These four actions are very easy things to do, and yet these reasons are why your clients leave you. You need to a better job of communicating with your clients.

If you are losing clients, or feel you need to do to more to keep your current clients, contact me, and let’s have a discussion about WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW to help your clients grow with your products and services.

There is no charge for this consultation. And everyone I have talked to, always goes away with at least one new action, they implemented right away, for better results.

Ian Dainty
Kind regards,
Ian Dainty
Ian Dainty’s Email

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