Why do you, or does anyone in your B2B company, need coaching?
If you’ve ever played any sports, you know that every team has at least one coach. Even when you were ten years old, you may have had two or more coaches for your teams, whether for softball, hockey, basketball, soccer, and even for individual sports like tennis, golf, gymnastics, etc.
And as athletes become better, and grow up, and join better teams, you know what all of these better teams have? More Coaches!
Now why do you suppose this happens?
Well, in today’s hyper-competitive world, and when you need to get results NOW, you need help to get these results.
And in order to get these results, you need expert help.
Also, when there is so much money on the line, if the results don’t come, and keep coming, then heads roll – people lose their jobs.
This happens in sports and it certainly happens in business. But because you have more competition now than ever before, you need to produce results NOW.
Also, with many people changing jobs, and working from home, sales and marketing people need coaching now more than ever.
And if you haven’t had the right training, you will struggle getting results. But even if you had good training, you still need ongoing reinforcement through coaching, because the business world is changing so rapidly today.
Here is an interesting statistic about coaching.
A Manchester Consulting Group study of Fortune 100 executives found that coaching was effective for all participants, and resulted in ROIÂ averaging 5.7 times the initial investment.
Now that is an impressive number. Wouldn’t you like to get 5.7 times on any investment you make? Especially when banks are giving about 2% per year.
Here are some more impressive stats on B2B coaching for sales people.
In the same Manchester research mentioned above, the following organizational results were also obtained from coaching.
• Improved Relationships 77%
• Improved Teamwork 67%
• Improved Job Satisfaction 61%
• Improved Productivity 53%
• Improved Quality 48%
• Improved Organizational Strength 48%
Don’t forget that these are average results. You can improve even more significantly with individual coaching, and a proven system for positive results.
Coaching for B2B sales people
CSO Insights, a sales research firm, illustrates how training and especially ongoing coaching improves the performance of all B2B sales people. They divided training and coaching into three levels, represented in the chart below.
The three levels represent the relationship level that each firm has attained with their client base. (You will see the results are from 2016, before the pandemic, and so these results are still typical of today’s results)
Level 1: Red is a low relationship level,
Level 2: Yellow is a medium level, and
Level 3: Green is a high level of relationship with their client base.
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As you can see, reps making quota increased by 26%, company plan attainment was increased by 10%, forecast wins increased by 19%, and company turnover decreased by 22%. These numbers are from the past, but I would bet they’re even worse now.
Over 95% of our clients grow by at least 25% in one year, over predicted revenues. Many have grown over 100% of predicted revenues in one year.
Our B2B coaching programs take a 360 degree look at your marketing and sales and how coaching will apply to your situation. By doing this, we get the results you want. This is demonstrated by the graphic below.
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Our coaching programs start with these five important questions;
1. What do you want to achieve? IE: What are your goals?
2. Why is it important to achieve it?
3. How soon do you need to get it done?
4. What have you tried so far?
5. What issues have you run into?
Then we look at the following five pillars of B2B selling Success.
1. The Foundation
2. The Process
3. Marketing Elements
4. Selling Elements
5. Strategic Account Management (SAM)
As well, we ensure you integrate the following system processes for ensured success.
1. Research
2. Analytics
3. Planning
From there, we will build the right coaching programs for you and your client-facing teams.
Email me, and let’s chat about how you can get started driving your business to the level you want it to be. There is no charge for this discussion, and everyone I talk with says they learned something from that initial discussion.
Thanks. I look forward to meeting you.
Kind regards,
Ian Dainty
Ian Dainty’s Email
P.S. – Please share this article, so your friends and colleagues can get ideas about how to grow and improve their selling skills, to help them close more deals.