This may sound like a ridiculous scenario to you, especially if you’ve been selling to B2B CEO’s for a few years.

But varying versions of this situation happen every business day around the world, no matter how long you’ve been selling.

Picture this. You’re sitting in front of a B2B CEO prospect.

After some brief introductions, he asks you to tell him about your company and what you sell.

You can’t believe it. This guy has just asked the question you were hoping he would ask.

So you jump right in, and start listing all of your products and services, and how wonderful your clients think your products/services are.

You rave on for about ten minutes, and you notice he starts looking at his watch.

You figure you better hurry up and tell him some more about your products and services quickly, before your time runs out, as you had told him initially that all you wanted was 20 minutes of his time.

Next thing you know, he thanks you very much, and tells you he has another meeting.

You ask him if he’s interested in any of your products and services, and he tells you he’ll get back to you.

Then you never hear from him again.

What went wrong?

If you’re having trouble getting past the first or second interview, I have some good news for you.

I have developed a four-step questioning process that let’s you talk to any CEO on his ground, and he will be happy you asked those questions, and you will find out in the first interview whether this prospect is a possible client or not.

This interviewing process is called the GAIM Plan, and You Can Download It Here.

One of my client’s got 4X his total annual quota, from one single client, by using The GAIM Plan.

I’m interested to know how The GAIM Plan works for you. Please drop me a line after you’ve used it.

P.S. The GAIM Plan also works for speaking with your boss, your life partner, or anybody you want to understand better.
Ian DaintyKind regards,
Ian Dainty
Ian Dainty’s Email
Author of the Book – Grow Your B2B Business With Strategic Account Management

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