B2B Sales FormulaIf your company is not on track to make your sales targets this year, then this may interest you, and also other people on your sales and marketing team.

I am delivering a free webinar on The B2B Sales Formula That Lets You Sell More – You Can Register Here.

Plus, as soon as you register, you will receive a free report. 7 Reasons Why You Need More Marketing in B2B

There are two basic reasons why it is difficult to sell in today’s B2B world.

1. The world isn’t what it used to be. It is very difficult to sell in the B2B world today. Companies are slower at making decisions, because of the world situation with such things as the decline in oil prices, the real threat of terrorism, fluctuating currencies, and most importantly for your business, weak economies.
2. Most B2B sales and marketing people do not have the right training, and carry-on coaching, to succeed in today’s sales and economic world order.

So what can you do about it?

It is very difficult to change anything in number 1 above, but all you need is the will to change with number 2.

Get your sales and marketing people the right training and coaching to allow success.

In fact, it is imperative if you want your company to even survive, never mind grow, that your sales and marketing people be better trained, and especially coached, in B2B sales and marketing skills.

And it is also as important that the senior executives be just as well trained and skilled in B2B sales and marketing. B2B executives need to understand what makes their clients buy.

That is why I am delivering a free webinar next Thursday, April 16th on The B2B Sales Formula That Lets You Sell More.

This webinar will lay out all the factors that are necessary to be successful in this turbulent world of 2015 and beyond.

If you are interested, and/or you want your sales and marketing team to succeed this year, then this program is for you and them.

Please Go here to Register.

P.S. As soon as you register, you will receive an email with a link to your free report. 7 Reasons Why You Need More Marketing in B2B

Ian Dainty
Kind regards,
Ian Dainty
Ian Dainty’s Email

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