Have you ever used your company’s B2B value proposition on a prospect, and been told that they don’t have that problem?
Or even worse; got a blank stare?
Even though you may have a B2B value proposition that fits some of your clients, it probably doesn’t work for all of your prospects.
Why does this happen?
Well, because every prospect is different, and they each have different needs and goals.
And they all buy for different reasons.
And in fact, there are five reasons B2B people buy.
That is why you need to know all of the 5 reasons B2B people buy, because there are many reasons they do buy, and one, or more, of these reasons represents the value proposition that will sell them on your products and services.
On Wednesday June 15th at 7:00 pm EST, I am delivering A Free Webinar On These 5 Reasons.
Most people do not know these 5 reasons, especially the most important reason.
As a B2B business person, you need to know all of these 5 reasons, because they can make or break your sales success.
And once you know these 5 reasons, you will then know every value proposition for every prospect that fits your products and services.
So GO HERE AND REGISTER for the webinar today.
When you do register, you will be given a bonus article about what is happening in the world today, and why you need to know these events,
And once you know these events, you will be more prepared to face today’s reality, and how you can best serve your clients and prospects, with the reasons they need to buy your products and services.
Thanks, and I look forward to meeting you on the webinar.
P.S. Please pass this email on to others in your company that are either directly or indirectly involved in the selling and marketing of your products and services, as they will benefit from this webinar.
Kind regards,
Ian Dainty
Ian Dainty’s Email
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