Like all business executives, you want to grow and exceed your last year’s revenue and client growth plans.
And to ensure you have success, you need to commit those resolutions or goals to a plan. And that is where many of us fail.
So, I have fostered a plan to help you grow. With B2B sales and marketing, I am sure you have many questions about how to succeed, especially in today’s ultra-competitive online world.
I have developed a series of questions that you frequently ask (FAQ’s), and questions you should ask (SAQ’s), in order to grow your company. And if followed, the answers to these questions can help your company become the dominant company in your marketplace.
These are questions I have encountered over the years that will help you deliver better value to your clients and prospects.
So, If you’re experiencing any of the following problems, and you’re willing to do what it takes to fix them, then contact me through my email below.
Why do you need a B2B marketing plan?
What is the best method for achieving your goals?
What percentage of revenue should you spend on marketing and sales?
What is the best market for your products and services?
What is your ideal client company?
Who is your ideal client person or persona?
What is the best reason for a customer to do business with your company?
Why should you not do business with some prospects?
What is your best client success story?
What business issues keep your ideal client’s CEO awake at night?
How Can I Grow My Strategic Accounts?
If I have missed a question or issue you want solved, please submit it to me via my email address below.
Kind regards,
Ian Dainty’s Email
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